Discipling Christians to be Partial: Antiracism, “Color Bravery”, & Be the Bridge

Discipling Christians to be Partial: Antiracism, “Color Bravery”, & Be the Bridge

Thoroughly Equipped
Thoroughly Equipped
Discipling Christians to be Partial: Antiracism, "Color Bravery", & Be the Bridge

This is an updated episode from season 2.

For several years Christians have wrestling with what it means to racially reconcile within the Church. On of the most popular teachings that has spread within the church to resolve this issue has been what is called Antiracism. Be the Bridge has been one of the more popular parachurch ministries educating the church on racial reconciliation by training disciples to be Antiracist and become “color brave” instead of color blind. But what is Antiracism and what does it mean to become Antiracist? What does it mean to become “color brave”? What are these antiracist foundational teachings that Be the Bridge trains its disciples in? What Scriptural teachings do they use to support being antiracist? Are they using those teachings correctly or twisting it to fit their goal? And should Christian women imbibe them?

May this episode bring Christian women to understand the false teaching of Antiracism that is entering the church and bring glory to God.⁠

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Just a middle-aged woman who has come to love God and His Son, Jesus Christ, through Scripture and wants to proclaim Sola Scripture to all women for His Glory!

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