How to Talk to Your Friends About the IF:Ministry
Image by freepik There really is not a lot (at least from what I have seen) of people warning about the IF: Gathering and Jennie Allen’s ministry. You can find a lot of discernment...
Discerning the popular online Christian Woman’s Conference
Biblical Womanhood / Discernment Discussions / IF:Gathering / Ministry / Reflections of a Woman Blog
Image by freepik There really is not a lot (at least from what I have seen) of people warning about the IF: Gathering and Jennie Allen’s ministry. You can find a lot of discernment...
Back in February the IF:Gathering hosted its 10 year anniversary conference at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth TX. At the Conference, Mrs. Allen announced a new vision of a global church gathering, encouraging the...
What does IF:Equip’s Arise teach about Jesus and Social Justice? IF:Equip’s Arise, claims that Jesus’ ministry was mostly focused on the marginalized, oppressed, and poor in society. His purpose was to always set free, and...
Thoroughly Equipped Season 2 Episode 30 IF:Equip’s Arise, claims that the church is the light of the world whose mission is to bring restoration to it by “fighting against the darkness”. Today we will...
Thoroughly Equipped Season 2 Episode 29 Is justice a Gospel issue? Justice is an important issue that is at the foundation of the Gospel. It has been a highly charged topic in our society...
Thoroughly Equipped Season 2 Episode 28 Continuing our look at Dr. Curt Thompson’s teachings. Dr. Curt Thompson, Visionary Leader of the Center for Being Known, is a psychiatrist who speaks at Jennie Allen’s IF:Gathering...
Thoroughly Equipped Season 2 Episode 27 Continuing our look at Dr. Curt Thompson’s teachings. Dr. Curt Thompson, Visionary Leader of the Center for Being Known, is a pshyciatrist who speaks at Jennie Allen’s IF:Gathering...
Thoroughly Equipped Season 2 Episode 26 Continuing our look at IF:’s incorporation of the analytical tool of Psychology as Dr. Curt Thompson (a regular speaker at the IF:Gathering and IF:Lead conferences) integrates Interpersonal Neurobiology...
Thoroughly Equipped S. 2 Ep 25 Starting the final portion of our critique of the IF: Ministry; I present a message given by Dr. Curt Thompson who has been a reoccurring speaker at the...
Thoroughly Equipped S.2 Ep.23 In this episode we I take some time to present to you who is touted as the Spiritual Masters in the IF:Equip Enjoying Jesus study. It’s a long episode. But...
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