Analytical Tools at IF: Dr. Curt Thompson & Behavioral Neuroscience (pt.4)- Regeneration, Redemption, & Transformation

Thoroughly Equipped
Thoroughly Equipped
Analytical Tools at IF: Dr. Curt Thompson & Behavioral Neuroscience (pt.4)- Regeneration, Redemption, & Transformation

Thoroughly Equipped Season 2 Episode 28

Continuing our look at Dr. Curt Thompson’s teachings. 

Dr. Curt Thompson, Visionary Leader of the Center for Being Known, is a psychiatrist who speaks at Jennie Allen’s IF:Gathering and IF:Lead Conferences. He has spoken at many conferences including the Torrey 2016 Conference and the Jubilee 2022 Online Conference; has been on the Red Ink Revival Podcast, the Trinity Forum Podcast,  among many others, and is co-host of the Being Known podcast.

Topics in this episode:

  • What is the doctrine of regeneration
  • What is the doctrine of redemption
  • Is regeneration and redemption our work?
  • What does Thompson teach about regeneration?
  • How does Thompson connect brain regeneration to redemption?
  • Thompson on Spiritual Disciplines, specifically centering prayer

My purpose for looking at Dr. Curt Thompson’s teachings in depth is to show how incorporating psychoanalytical tools with Christianity will produce different doctrines resulting in a different transformation.

May this episode bless you and bring glory to God!

Resources used in this episode:

Rebecca Lyons podcast interview :

Marcia Montenegro Interview

Theocast: Are Spiritual Disciplines Biblical?

John MacArthur: The Wonder of Redemption in Christ:

Dr. Curt Thompson “Reflections” Luke 3:22:

Other Resources:

⁠Striving for Eternity⁠

⁠Christian Podcast Community


Just a middle-aged woman who has come to love God and His Son, Jesus Christ, through Scripture and wants to proclaim Sola Scripture to all women for His Glory!

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