Dear Students of the Asbury Revival…
It is interesting, to say the least, to watch what has transpired at your college. The world has watched as you have gathered in worship and praise together. We have seen this revival spirit spread throughout your campus and even reach other parts of the nation.
We are all observing, watching, wondering and contemplating this “move of the spirit”.
It is obvious that America wants “revival”- but what does revival even mean? Does revival mean solidarity among people and a “strong sense of peace” in the atmosphere? Is revival a movement of people in praise and worship to God?
Questions like these got me thinking. So I began to wonder about your testimony of revival being presented to the wider world today.
Is the God that you have been worshiping and praising for days on end, the God of Scripture?
If this revival is a work of the Spirit of the living God, then most of you would be of one accord, correct?
And that accord would be of one mind wholly set that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, correct?
And that Jesus, in whom you would be of one mind, is the same Jesus given by the Apostles who wrote of Him in the New Testament, correct? Making you and the Apostles to be in agreement on the teachings of Jesus Christ; those teachings found in Scripture which are sufficient to equip you for righteousness and good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Do you agree with Jesus, that we should not come to Him only to flee the wrath to come but should bear fruit in keeping with repentance (Matt. 3:7-8)?
Is there concession among you that you all were once sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men/women who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy, drunkards, revilers, swindlers, etc. but now you are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (1Corin 6:11)? Is there an overwhelming desire to not only know God but walk in the Spirit putting to death the deeds of the flesh (Rom. 8:13)?
If this is true… if your revival is real, will we see the fruit of this change at your college? Will these sins be repudiated among your faculty? Will you set a standard of holiness in your college culture as Christ calls you to (1 Pet.1:15-16)?
Will the proclamation of Jesus Christ not merely be about love, forgiveness and acceptance, but about His perfect, complete sacrifice for your sins (Heb 7&8)?
Will the God you worship not only be one who loves you and has a purpose for you but one in perfect Sovereignty over his creation who rules with perfect justice and has wrath against an unrighteous people (Ex.34:7)?
Will sin among you not only be thought of as trauma or mere mistakes but be as God describes it, coming from our hearts (Matt 15:19) which are deceitfully wicked (Jer.17:9) and is what makes us children of wrath (Ephs. 2:3)?
Will Christ be proclaimed not only as one “who gets us” but exalted as the propitiation for our sins (1 John 2:2) and the wickedness of our hearts?
Is your message the same as the Apostles message? Is the Spirit that wrote the Scriptures the same spirit that is fueling your revival?
The world and the Church are watching… time will tell.
A Watching Woman
Well put – thank you.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks Drew, for the kind comment. 🙂
A well written and needed response!
Thank you for reading!